Men and Women are climbing the Jobs Mountain
Multiple Jobholders dropped month to month and rose April to April
The monthly employment situation report, or Jobs Report, is created using two different data sets: the Current Population Survey (CPS) Jobs and Unemployment Data and the Current Employment Statistics (CES) Worker and Wages data. The two data sets have seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted components. The seasonal factors change by data set, category, month and year. The seasonally adjusted (SA) and non-seasonally adjusted (NSA) CES data point to growth in all sectors. The CPS data has some differences between the NSA and SA data. The two data sets have been out of synchronization this year during the first four month of the year. There are a number of ways to examine the data from the two data sets.
We have been climbing a Jobs Mountain since February 2017.
We had fewer full-time jobs during January 2017 than we had during July 2007, nine and a half years earlier. We had had a "jobs iceberg" for men and a "jobs iceberg for women. Men lost over 10 million full-time jobs between July 2007 and January 2010. Those jobs were finally full recovered during July 2016 before they were lost again. They were fully recovered by July 2017 before they were lost again.
We now have the highest level ever of April Jobs for men, a combination of full-time jobs and part-time jobs, non-seasonally adjusted. We have seen the creation of 611,000 FT jobs for men since April 2018. We have also seen part-time jobs drop by 258,000 jobs and unemployment fall by 291,000 workers during the same period of time. Full-time jobs are replacing part-time jobs and unemployed workers.
We have the highest ever level of jobs for Women during the month of April. We have 1.261 million more full-time jobs this April than we had during April of 2018. We have 252,000 fewer women working part-time jobs and 253,000 fewer women who are unemployed compared to last April.two or more jobs last month and 4.072 million
Multiple Job Workers declined for men and women this April from this March. The total number of men working multiple jobs dropped from 3.863 million to 3.693 million workers. There were 4.184 million women working multiple jobs during March and only 4.072 million working multiple jobs this April.
Men and women worked over 2 million primary full-time jobs and secondary part-time jobs during April. Men worked 2.227 million, down from March when we had 2.309 million FT PT men, and down from 2.410 million FT PT men during February. Women worked 2.092 million FT PT jobs during February, 2.164 million during March, and 2.090 million during April.
Highest Level of Multiple Jobholders since April 2009. We had 7.765 million multiple jobholders this April compared to 7.7/81 million during April 2009. The Winter peak is either February or March. The Annual Peak is October, November, or December. We have 128,000 more MJH this April than last April. We have the highest level of FT PT dual job workers since April 20007 with 4.317 million FT PT workers. We had 4.332 million FT PT workers during April 2007. We had the second most dual PT job workers during the month of April this April at 2.3098 million PT PT workers. The record for April was April 2016 with 2.164 million PT PT workers.
The data indicates that we are swapping part-time jobs for full-time jobs and that we are adding full-time jobs. We should see full-time jobs grow through July. We also appear to be swapping multiple jobs for a single full-time job. We normally see the MJH level fall through August. If labor is tight then we may see stabilization rather than a drop-off this Summer. Men and women are entering and re-entering the workforce. We still have a participation problem with men at 68.76% versus the 73.01% participation during July 2007.
It's the Economy.